Terms of Use

MILD Art as the publisher of IndieGames.eu at the web address www.indie-games.eu allows you to use the portal and all its parts and subdomains exclusively in accordance with these Terms of Use. By continuing to use the IndieGames.eu website or any part of it, users are deemed to be familiar with these Terms of Use at all times and to have accepted and understood them in their entirety.


IndieGames.eu provides its visitors with the use of all website content in good faith. All visitors have the right to use the contents of the website if they do not violate the Terms of Use presented here. The contents of the IndieGames.eu website consist of own author's contents, contents of partners and advertisers, contents created by visitors and links to external pages. IndieGames.eu website publishes all copyrighted content in good faith with the general goal of informing and entertaining. You use all the content of the portal at your own risk and IndieGames.eu cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by the use of author's or user content, i.e. the services, services and features of the IndieGames.eu website. The use of services and registration on the IndieGames.eu website is approved for adults. Use and use by minors is allowed only under the supervision of parents and/or guardians, and they are obliged to take care of this, and IndieGames.eu is not responsible for the possible consequences of such use. IndieGames.eu reserves the right to change and temporarily or permanently cancel any content or service on the portal without prior notice.


IndieGames.eu claims the copyright to all its own author's content (textual, visual, video and audio materials, databases and programming code) published on the website. Unauthorized copying or use of any part of the website is considered a violation of Indie Games copyright and is subject to prosecution. Unauthorized copying and use of any part of the website without the permission of the copyright owner is considered a copyright violation and is subject to legal action. Printed and electronic media may transmit author's works from the Indie Games website only with the prior permission of the Indie Games editorial staff. If you believe that IndieGames.eu has violated your copyright, you can contact us at info@indiegames.eu, the case will be immediately considered.


When opening a user account, or by registering on the IndieGames.eu portal, users must go through the registration process, enter data necessary for the registration system, including e-mail, username and password, and accept these Terms of Use. Users are obliged to enter true data and are free to choose and enter the username they want if it is free (not taken by another user), but IndieGames.eu reserves the right to deny access to a user who chooses a username that is clearly offensive, untrue or on somehow deceptive.

IndieGames.eu can periodically send notifications to registered users related to the functionality and content of the portal, and a user account on the portal allows users to monitor through the integrated notification system of the IndieGames.eu portal when they received a private message from another user or received a reply to a discussion in which they participated. . After registering with the necessary information (which includes an e-mail address, username and password), registered users have the option of editing their profile on the IndieGames.eu portal with additional information about themselves in order to get closer to the rest of the user community. IndieGames.eu does not process these additional data, they only serve for easier and better communication between users on the portal. All registered users can edit and remove certain data from their own profile, and in case they want to delete or significantly change their user account, they can contact the administrator at info@indie-games.eu.


On its pages, IndieGames.eu contains links to websites outside its own portal. Indie Games publishes such links in good faith and cannot be held responsible for content outside the portal.


Indie Games undertakes to do everything in its power to protect the data of users of the Indie Games website. Indie Games undertakes to use all personal data obtained from the user while using this portal in good faith and not to distribute them in any way to third parties, except with the express permission of the user. Indie Games may, in accordance with the law, collect certain user data obtained during the use of the website or data entered during the registration process. This data is primarily used by Indie Games in order to get a clearer picture of the visitation of the website, i.e. the users who use the Indie Games website, and in this way to improve the portal and further direct and adapt its contents to the audience that visits it. Indie Games undertakes to protect the privacy of website users.

For more details on the principles, methods and technologies used by IndieGames.eu when collecting and processing data about its users, please check the Privacy Policy which is an important part of these Terms of Use.


By using communication services (comments), you undertake to send and receive materials that are legal and appropriate for the particular service.

By commenting on the content, you undertake not to:

- bully, endanger, insult, threaten, deceive or in any way violate the rights of other users of our and third-party communication services

- publish and distribute indecent, vulgar, obscene or illegal content

- impersonate for the purpose of fraud or deception of another user

- leave spam messages in the comments

– violate any applicable law

Indie Games has no obligation to monitor communication services, but reserves the right to remove any material that does not comply with the rules without notice in case of a justified report.


The editorial office and website of indie-games.eu are also available on popular social networks for faster communication with visitors, partners, colleagues and friends. IndieGames.eu is not responsible for profiles and pages on social networks that present themselves as Indie Games (indie-games.eu), and are not under the jurisdiction of the editorial staff of the Indie Games webiste.


IndieGames.eu reserves the right to change or modify these Terms of Use and Rules of Conduct from time to time without notice. IndieGames.eu can inform users about important changes and additions via e-mail or by publishing them on the website. By using any content on the website, you are considered to be familiar with the latest Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy.